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Shaolin Legend  / 少林寺传奇

Shaolin Legend / 少林寺传奇

Actors:Bao Guoan / Anthony Wong / Gang / Pan Changjiang / kindly / Ji Chun Hua /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2008 Updated:2012-04-24 16:23:50 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Shaolin Legend / 少林寺传奇
    Chinese TV < Shaolin Legend / 少林寺传奇 >
    Stars:Bao Guoan / Anthony Wong / Gang / Pan Changjiang / kindly / Ji Chun Hua /

    Northern and Southern Dynasties , successive years of war . An enlightenment expert , surnamed Ji, name SG and disillusioned , people wishing to convert to Buddhism , came to Shaolin , asked the Dharma abbot whom novices . Ji SG in the snow and stood for three days and three nights , abbot of Dharma do not want to shelter , and said to me take you , unless heaven Xue . Ji SG monk has been determined , is a self off the left arm , days, then drop the red snow . Dharma is the sincerity of his feelings was received as a disciple, give Farmington wisdom .
    After 15 years , Bodhidharma has passed away , and wisdom can be a Shaolin Temple, the second - generation abbot . Five favorite disciples of men : in the following order: the benefit Citrus medica , Hui Shi Hui efforts , benefits and forbearance , Hui empty . Practicing martial arts are serious matters for the stunt .
    Hui abbot Kiyonaga devote themselves to Buddhist deep, became towards the Queen Mother's scribes , often preached to the palace for the Queen Mother . Luoyang Wang Gaoqi abbot of the old friends met and came to Hui abbot chess . Hui can talk about the recent troubles of dust matter , the disciples were difficult to meditation Kiyonaga . Luoyang Wang said , the court in the expansion of the harem , around to recruit the daughter admitted to the palace , the press is very anxious , San Ming Nanwei . According to the former regulation , the harem is too voluminous , but now dethronement frequent addition of war , who won the world do not want to carpe diem ? ............

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